Commission Panels

In January 2011, the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations ("the Commission") was established.

The purpose of the Commission is to facilitate responses to Senator Charles Grassley, member of the Senate Finance Committee, on issues related to accountability and policy for religious organizations.

Three panels were named to work with the Commission and provide input and proposals on the issues.

Panel of Legal Experts

The members of the Panel of Legal Experts have extensive experience in the area of exempt organizations, religious organizations, and/or constitutional law.

Click here to view the Panel of Legal Experts.

Panel of Religious Sector Representatives

The Panel of Religious Sector Representatives is composed of leaders from a variety of faiths, including, but not limited to Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism. Special emphasis was placed on engaging those who represent large segments of their respective faith groups.

Click here to view the Panel of Religious Sector Representatives.

Panel of Nonprofit Sector Representatives

The Panel of Nonprofit Sector Representatives is composed of leaders who represent large segments of the nonprofit sector.

Click here to view the Panel of Nonprofit Sector Representatives.